Bit by bit: The Frag Castle Blog

Fragcast Episode 15

Posted By Jared Barboza, 21, January, 2015, in fragcast

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FragCast is a weekly podcast where the founders of Frag Castle Games talk about the latest progress on their games, the video game industry, pop culture and the ups and downs of running a super-small, lean startup.

In This Episode

Jared and John talk about

  • Jared has pretty much stopped working on his 1GAM at this point, trying to make his demo game for his talk at Lowell Indies as good as possible
  • John is wrapping up work on two Flappy Bird inspired games: Spooky Ghost and Lovey Bird. In Lovey Bird you have to drop down to deliver valentines while dodging houses
  • John has scheduled our first meetup! We’re meeting February 3rd, at the Higgins Lab, at WPI in Worcester, MA. We’ll start at 6pm and kill it around 9pm.
  • John has been trying out a bunch of different things in Blender and Unity including making a “bullet-hell” type game (like Galaga or Radius)

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Legal Beagle Stuff

Opening Song by RoccoW - "Create A Song in A Day Challenge #1". This song is shared under a Attribution Share A like 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) license. We sampled a 20 second clip from the middle of his awesome track to open our podcast. RoccoW does not in any way endorse our podcast. The opinions and viewpoints expressed by the Hosts of FragCast are theres and theres alone.

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